Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Casey Anthony...NOT GUILTY?!?! HOW?!?!

First let me be the one and only parent thus far I have seen actually say what I am sure all of us feel from time to time. Yes, There are times that i do want to just beat my child to an inch of his life! Do I ever act on it? HELL NO! Please excuse my language. Yes we all get frustrated with our children. But no parent who love thier child would ever harm their child. I will also make a point to say that spanking behinds, flicking hands and things of that nature do not harm a child. Children will come up more injured if we do not discipline them! They do not learn what is acceptable. Anyways off of my tangent. This trial has shown the world what sort of idiots we breed here. Yes, they didn't prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt but not every trial will be that way. We watch way too many television shows that make eveyrthing all black and white. Casey Anthony lied repeatedly about many things so why would you believe one word out of her mouth including "I did not kill my baby"????? that jury should truly be ashamed! As a mother, I am disgusted at anyone who would hurt their child! They are the only innocents in this world!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Young parent...

I've realized that all young parents seem to fall into a gap that is where our friend who are our age but have no kids are on one side where we don't quite fit into and older parents on the other where we get looked down on for being so young. I am 21 years old and I have a one year old. I do not go to the bars every weekend. A fun weekend for me would be hanging with my husband and son, maybe going to the pool, BBQin with some friends, maybe having an adult beverage. Most people my age want to do more fast pace stuff than that. So the older crowd is where i generally end up BUT I always feel like they are always making remarks about how young I am. I do not act young(or so I think) and it just become uncomfortable! Anyother young parents know what i am talking about? How do you deal with it?

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Been awhile!

So I haven't posted in awhile but the newest funny thing that Asher is doing now is we have to tell him no all the time when it comes to Ryan's phone and he cries everytime we tell him no, Now he just looks at the phone and cries without us saying anything. lol

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Help! I woke up as MY parents!!

I realized today how much what your parents taught you really follows you around. My brothers and sisters and I use to complain so MUCH about the chores our parents made us do, like who really dusts everyday?? well I'll tell you, I do now! :) I started my day off today with a nice 2 mile jog/walk with Asher and when we got home I vacuumed for the 2nd time this week(not the everyday my parents made us do but close!), then I swept and mopped(which i do everyday just like my parent), then i dusted(like my parents everyday!),then I wiped down the kitchen which included under the stove burner things(my parents taught me that!) and the back splash behind the sink(also my parents thing!) then on to the bath room where i cleaned and paid special attention to the base of the toilet thanks to my parents! I went through my cleaning today thinking "Man, I am my parents!!" and then I realized that Asher was mimicking me! He now dusts the coffee table with a washcloth:) He also tries to fold clothes... So if my brothers and sisters read this, BEWARE you too will be washing walls in no time ;) And to my parents; Thank you for being so strict on our chores! It really has helped me!! and I love you guys!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Baby Genius? I think so!

Today I really enjoyed watching Asher problem solve and show off how smart he is. I'd ask him "Asher, Where's your tractor?" and he'd turn and look at it and i'd say "get your tractor" and he would crawl over and start playing with it. and then we were sittin in our bedroom and he was trying to play with Ryan's Iphone charger and I kept saying "no!" he would cry and do it again and after the 5th time he crawled to his room and got his cord(an old ipod charger that doesn't work) and brought it in the room to play with and then the little booger tried to switch it with daddy's cord. And then he was playing with the door, opening and closing it, when he closed it too far to where he couldn't open it. then he stood up and tried to turn the door knob! He is so smart! Bias? Well, Maybe :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Head problems??

Does anyone else worry about their child's mental status? I mean Asher leads with his head in everything he does, crawling, falling, trying to sit... He has hit his head so much that I worry that he will be permanently damaged :( Any suggestions??

Monday, April 18, 2011

never wanted a mama's boy...but boy did i get one

So the last few days my son has been the most clingy baby ever!! but only to me:( I love him but if i even go out of eyesight he starts crying. He also is standing on his own but he realizes he's doing it and then he sits down; now keep in mind not fall down but really slowly sit. He also will take a few steps which is exciting. um... not much to write today... procrastinating the laundry... better get to it